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#Frequently asked questions

What courier do you use?
We use Fedex for our domestic and international orders. However, we reserve the right to use discretion in any circumstance where it makes more sense to use an alternative delivery method.
Do you have an option for express delivery?
Our delivery options are standard. All domestic and international orders are processed for shipment within one to two business days. International deliveries will take an additional three to seven business days. Orders are shipped Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
How can I track my items?
Once your order has been shipped, a unique tracking number will be sent to your email address on record. You can use this number to track your items.
Can I collect from a local store
We are an online store only, and therefore do not offer an option to collect your purchase from a local store? Our teamwill be willing to help you in case of any queries. You can email us on info@zivel.ae.
Can I collect from a local store?
We are an online store only, and therefore at the moment do not offer an option to collect from a local store. We do however have a team who will be willing to help you in case of any queries. You can email on info@zivel.ae
Do you offer VAT discount to non-UAE customers?
All orders from outside the UAE are will not be charged the 5% VAT. This is only applicable for orders in UAE.
Who pays for return postage?
For international returns, a restocking fee of 10% and return postage will be subtracted from the refund amount.